dimarts, 10 de març del 2020


   stary cats                 Els catarres               bad buny    

 1The catarres is a group of catalan music and stray cats is a rock group

2bad buny is a reggeton style that differs a lot from stray cats

diumenge, 8 de desembre del 2019


Hello! My name's Lídia and I'm from Gerb, a town in the Catalonia .I'mtuelve years old and my dirthday is in September. I study english at school and I woul like ann e-fierd to help me speak English.

Iget up erli every day. After school, I go home and i usually do my homework. The ground is opposite, my house. I go to bed at 9:30 p.m. o'clock.

I love watching TV. I play ground with my house and my brother every Saturday. I aslo like compiuter game.. 

dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2019

U1_Writing a description of a room

I'm gina24 and here is my virtual bedroom.It's medium size and very comfortable. Every wall is the same colour.There are views to the street. 

In my room, thetre's asmall bed and badside table next to it. There's a sall wardrobe. Ihave got a TV in my room, but I haven't got a laptop.

Resultat d'imatges de bedrooms

They isen't an alarm clock. Very comfortable. My room is colour purple. 

My favourite theng in the room is my TV and my wii and my laptop